2006 Sunshine Northeast Showcase
Anthony Pasquinucci is a 2007 OF with a 5'11'', 185 lb. frame from Glen Rock NJ, who attends Glen Rock. Pasquinucci has a medium sized frame with a strong build. Defensively, Pasquinucci uses a short arm action with a lower release point. He moves to the ball well in the outfield and has solid defensive actions. He has good foot speed and covers ground in the outfield. At the plate, Pasquinucci starts with a straight stance with a wide base. He has flexed knees and takes a big stride to start his swing. He doesn't load his hands and uses a rock back approach to get his swing going. He has quick hands and a short compact stroke. Pasquinucci has bat speed and showed good patience at the plate. He drifts to contact and is a front foot hitter. When he gets the bat head to the baseball he centers the ball very well.