2007 World Showcase
Luke Smierciak is a 2007 MIF/P/3B with a 5'10'', 170 lb. frame from Gainesville FL, who attends Gainesville HS. He has a small, athletic frame with good present strength. Smierciak took defensive drills in the outfield for some reason, although he is clearly an infielder by his physical profile. That doesn't mean he couldn't be a very good centerfielder, just that he's more likely to play left side infield. He showed excellent arm strength in the outfield at 96 mph, one of the highest recordings ever at a PG event, and he threw with accuracy. Smierciak ran the 60 in 6.87, so he's fast as well. During the games he showed easy middle infield actions. Offensively, Smierciak has quick twitch hands and a short line drive swing. He works the ball around the field and is a balanced, contact type of hitter who would fit well in the #2 hole in a good line up. Smierciak also took a turn on the mound and not surprisingly showed his arm strength as a pitcher, topping out at 91 mph with a quick arm action. His 77 mph curveball was sharp and hard. Smierciak has some effort in his delivery and isn't a primary pitcher, but it's easy to see him as a closer/reliever at some point. Overall, this is a very talented all around baseball player who can play in the middle of the field on defense and contribute on offense. Smierciak's signed with Florida State.